operation 909

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Why doesn't anyone understad what NO means?


Why when ones expression to a question is the word NO, does another person feel the need to check as to why? Is me saying NO not good enough? Why does it require an explanation? If I say NO does it mean “Hey I want you to ask me why I am having a difference of opinion with you right now,” or that I have no sense of self being and I need your help? WTF? Do you think me being thirty years old I need someone to ask me if I am sure?

I am tired of telling people NO and not being respected!

For example,

Do you want to try these psychotropic medications that I stole from one of my mental patients…? I reply NO, and NO THANK YOU. This individual felt it necessary to challenge my NO response with, “OHHH come on, don’t be that way it just makes you feel better.” Better than what??? I was unaware that I was feeling the wrong way. Thank you for the enlightenment.
Why would that require any further explanation other than me arresting this person for being psychotic and absolutely stupid themselves? I believe in being firm but respectful if at all possible, but other possible responses would be, “Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself,” or “Why don’t you pour yourself a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up and get away from me.”

Another example,

Would you like to super/biggie size that? Response is NO. Yet again to challenge my NO response,” But sir for only 39 cents more you get twice the drink and fries.”

Yet my response again is,” NO Javier’, I want only the regular sized meal, but thank you for trying to add to my problem of arterial blockage due to high cholesterol and saturated fats.”

Yet another example,

This pertains to the fine co-workers that have assumed the position as counselors, (unlicensed of course).
Say you are just having a bad day and this person (call him/her JOE/Joanne Schmuckatellie) feels the need to corner you right off the bat because you are not your usual self. You are not walking around and smiling, trying to further your promotional advancement opportunities and chances by forcing yourself to smile and make everyone else around you know that you are not disgruntled and you are in a great mood! Joe/Joeanne, ask you,” Is everything OK? Problems at home? Do you need to talk? You look upset, are you upset at me...NO, NO, NO, and NO. Why don’t you people just leave us manic depressives alone? Get this people…People have bad days! Doesn’t mean I need a hug from you and the last thing I want is for you to question my NO response and ask me over and over again, Are you OK? Or tell me that I need to be in a better mood, that I am making them depressed, how rude! Thank you for also telling me how I need to be. If you don’t like the way that I am acting then stay the fuck away from me! Not here for you, don’t require your seal of approval, but thanks. I would like my wife to ask me what the matter is and be concerned but not you. At least she respects my feelings enough to know to let me be for a bit so that I can be mad or upset. And yes I do appreciate a hug and a it’s going to be OK from her, not from someone I am forced to spend thirteen hours a day with following me around and trying to pry into my sick, twisted, angry little mind on those days!


To sum up NO MEANS NO! Know it and respect it, I do!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

So here she is, the hottest woman I have ever met! My Wife, man do I love her…Love to see her pretty smile, while soaking in the sun, doing what she does best…relaxing and enjoying life. She’s so hot! Love you beautiful! You are the best!

Thanks you for saying “I already told you I would.” I will never make you regret it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Have you ever wondered why jealousy is a problem for some and not for all?
Why are some people jealous and others not? I wonder sometimes why everyone wouldn’t be jealous at some point. Maybe when you care for something or someone too much that is when it rears its ugly head. Could it be due to insecurities in one self? I have no idea! I do know that I know people who care deeply for others and are very emotional, but never jealous, or are they??? Could it be that they are afraid to show that emotion, or express their own insecurities. Could it be the opposite and they have limited and closed off feelings for others or are they just too selfish and self centered to understand the way that others feel? I will never be able to understand what it means to be selfish. I can say that that I have intentionally hurt someone by making them jealous. That worked out well…But what if you are trying to make someone jealous and they don’t get jealous then what? Where are you then? In a vicious pattern that will lead to your own jealousy coming out because that person will see that it is ok to do the same to you. What a stupid thing this is!

Here’s a thought! Just treat others with respect. Let your actions and words reflect well upon the feelings others. Open your eyes and see what is going on now and what may happen, and consider the consequences to those you love always. For those of you who live for right now…consider taking a step back and look at the big picture, what you say and do right now might hurt those who love you the most.

Just my two cents

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hawaii is calling me back!

I miss the islands, they call to me every time I am having a busy or bad day. I am sure there are bad day on the islands but they can't be as bad, you are in Hawaii! I miss the rhythm of the ocean as it comes and goes with the waves. As it talks to me it says ," play in me, enjoy, relax, but be cautious, i will swallow you up and cover you if it is forgotten that I am bigger, and you are a guest." I love the ocean, although it intimidates me I am drawn to the many things in it and around it. I miss walking with my wife in the surf, and snorkeling feeling like we are all alone in this huge aquarium.

When I think of Hawaii, I think of Mariah and how good she looks on the beach. Tan and beautiful, never sad or unhappy. She deserves as many of those days as she can get. I wish that we lived there, and I often wonder if the feeling of amazement that we are in Hawaii would go away after a while. I don't see that happening. I love to be there with her, it is my solice, my reprieve from it all.

What a wonder it is to me how the islands of Hawaii have become so beautiful. I can still smell the plumeria and the ocean mist in the air...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

My favorite quotes that I have come across are on truth, trust and respect...I would like to share some of my favorites with you...Maybe they will help you as they have helped me. Thoreau and Emerson are my most favorite authors as far as quotes go.

On truth:

"Be true to your work, your word, and your friend." - Henry David Thoreau

"The finest and noblest ground on which people can live is truth; the real with the real; a ground on which nothing is assumed." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don't trust enough." - Frank Crane

On Respect:

"Men are respectable only as they respect." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them." - Herbert Henry Lehman

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Here's the question...

When you change somthing about yourself, do you change it for others or for yourself?


I think if you change the way your body looks, it is both. You may need to lose weight for health reasons. Or you may be tired of not having clothes that fit anymore. It's a funny thing that the best motivation for fat or skinny people to either lose weight or bulk up is someone telling them they need to change.

If you make a change in attitude or opinion, you are either a conformist or just confused about who you are and what you want out of life. Dang free spirits! You scare me.

If you change your clothing style, it is either a supply and demand thing...or a need to fit in (they don't make them for adults but if i could I would wear those husky jeans with the extra thick knees from when I was 3 yrs old). Clothes come and go with the times...please can spandex shorts with checker patterns on the side come back!

If you change yourself by the greatness of the things you possess such as cars, house, fine jewlery etc...you are looking for attention and for others to tell you that you are great. But you already know that...just makes you feel better than others to hear them envy you. I can't stand those who are the Jones' ! I have been keeping up with you all my whole life!

If you change your behavior. Boy this is s tuffy! I have been changing the way I behave for others all my life. Does that sum it up? Most people do, I think. Why do we never act the same as we once did? We change the way we walk and speak, eat, and definitely dance( nobody does the robot anymore, or the cabbage patch). You definitely change the way you have sex for the person you are with. You may have been required to change your behavior by a court of law, for instance...roadside carnal extacy is a no no in most states but Arkansas and Louisiana.

Basically change is never all about you. There is a reason, always, however small there is a reason and it involves other peoples oponions of you or yours of them.

My recent changes...

Shaved 90% of my body...why? My wife thinks it's sexy! When my blood tranfusion is complete I will weigh in on how I feel but right now it is hard for me to stay concious and type with the bandages I'm wearing.

Started wearing baggy clothes to hang out in, plenty of room and comfy, plus they don't make the stuff that just fits right anymore!

I started showing my wife that I love her more, it was a needed behavioral modification. That one needs constant attention! The results are great!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

So here I am typing on this new blog. Kind of fun really! Place to vent! Last night was fun as a friday night should be. Drinks, good times with friends and a little drama unfortunately. You could have kept the drama out of it. I often wonder why I get myself into the situations that I do. Have you ever wanted so bad for something to come true, or happen, and when it does it makes you feel worse! That is the crappy part about dreams. They usually don't turn out well. I think my dreams do come true for the most part. I want them to! My beautiful wife knows this all and she does try usually doing her best to please me. She is really great to try new things and is always willing to take things right to the edge. A lot of times what happens is she gets a hint of what my dreams and wishes are and they become her dreams and wishes. It may be selfish but I want some dreams of my own to come true and to share them with her. Does that make sense???? I'm glad that we have the same wants and wishes, I just don't like them to be taken away from me and twisted into something that they never were in my mind. The weekend isn't over yet and I look forward to having fun with the family. Going to see Superman today, things will get better! Isn't life GRAND! Ups and Downs...back and forth...Hold on for the ride!